Thursday, April 21, 2005

The Institution

In a grand attempt to fuck with my emotions, the security professionals at the institution (i.e. , the cultural institution employer) decided today to crack down today. With me in the building. Alone. That was NOT cool. Now, because I come in a half hour later in the morning than most others I work beyond the magical 5 p.m. deadline. At 5, the bustling place goes absolutely dead. In the past, it seems security has been a bit behind and although they turn the lights out on me while I'm up in the upper floor office, forcing me to walk gingerly through the dimly lit maze of things I CANNOT knock over, I am still able to get out.

Apparently, it is supposed to go down that the place turns into Waco and no one can get in or out past 5.

This time, the first time I actually alert security that I am in the building, they leave the lights on but pull down the chain-mail-looking security curtain and LOCK THE DOORS. These are not department store doors that allow one to leave while preventing others from entering. These are "No one is entering or leaving how dare you be around the priceless shit after 5 you wanker and oh yes the system can see your every footstep" doors.

After a happy stroll through said priceless shit in my attempt to go home at 5:30, in the light this time, I find the chain mail curtain pulled down at my exit. Um. Dude. Security? I naturally start to panic and hop up to the main entrance. Locked. I go back to my regular entrance. Chain mail. Um. Seriously, Help!

Finally, a security guard who looks a whole 13 and a half comes out and squeaks, "Oh, sorry. They told me to wait for you. I saw you walking on the monitor and realized you were still in here." Sorry my ass, Doogie. But of course, I am still trying to breathe and just nod at the twerp. However, this twerp let me out and I guess I love him.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow, Freaky!

April 22, 2005 10:37 AM  

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