Wednesday, May 04, 2005


My family issues are probably as atypical as they are typical for everyone else. Yesterday, two of my little problem areas decided to crop up all in one day. Just excellent.

Number One: We have dinner at Mike's parents' house every week because they watch our kids a few times after school. They always assume we are staying for dinner and although I know it is so nice of them to make dinner for us, the tension that tends to live there is exhausting. One brother in particular is at the same time the most fun and the most horrible with me. He's an overgrown 10 year old who somehow got to be 20 without his parents treating him any differently than they would a child and he acts like one a lot of the time. He tends to be short with my boys, which does not sit well with me, and then he turns just plain nasty. Last night, he did it again. This time he thought Brett was eating too many strawberries (what the fuck?) and then grabbed his arm to stop him from taking another. I DO NOT like this and while Mike gently said something, this brother looked at me and yelled at me...I left the table, cried in the living room for a moment, and then just went home. Mike gathered the kids and followed. My emotions cannot handle any foolish idiots yelling at me right now and his family will not talk this kid about grabbing Brett and for yelling at me at all. That pisses me off.

Number Two: The DTN struck at Daniel's violin concert, also last night. I love my mom, and she's an amazing Nana to the boys, but she is hard to be with in public sometimes. No fucking wonder my sister and I still have issues with knowing how to act socially or what etiquette rules apply in situations. Our mom is completely oblivious to social conduct rules. During Daniel's concert, while he's playing, his Drunken Teenage Nana is singing out loud and tickling Brett so he screeches and encouraging him to run amuck in the bleechers. I can only do so much with my mom siding against me. All of this after the orchestra teacher explicity requests silence from the parents so the kids playing don't get distracted. Naturally, as a kid the DTN is so fun to play with but damn, she completely disregards what Daniel needs or what I need or what Brett needs just to be fun. I hate being the parent to my mom and having to shush her every 2 minutes.

Ok, the rant is over. I love you all if you actually read this far.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I love you also Sis :)

May 04, 2005 8:25 AM  

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