Monday, June 27, 2005

Explain it, just explain it to me

Please run over and read this article. Go Here. Go on, go on, I'll wait.

What the motherfuckingfuck is that?

The title indicates this is not about "working mothers," which I know is a highly personal decision for every mom AND dad, but the article is about "working wives." A smattering of points that irritated me:

More and more married women are beginning to accept the pressures of a job as normal. That is unfortunate, because wives provide a good family balance for their husbands, who generally have a tendency to work too much and too long.

WHAT?? First off, saying men have a "tendency" to work too long and hard is insulting to men as it implies that they simply don't have a if God made them to be assholes who put in too many long hours at the rough office with the hot co-worker and not enough at home. Second,women are not on earth to "provide" dogshit for anyone. Marriage/Partnership is give and take, a life journey together. Third, what is "beginning to accept the PRESSURES of a job?" Women have been working for all of humankind and just because paid work is the only valid kind work by this author, there must intrinsically be some higher "pressure" in a paid job? Bullshit, Dogshit, POOP ON THAT. Besides, my children have benefitted in ways I never predicted by my higher education and passion for my subject. They know what joy it can be to know and learn.

When wives shift their need for approval from the home to their work, problems generally follow.

What problems is he talking about? A sinkful of dirty dishes? An unmade bed? The author cites that a woman may feel a lack of closeness and blah, blah, blah...ya ever think a break is not so bad? I do feel a lack of closeness sometimes, and sometimes it's hard but sometimes I need it.

This crap goes on and on and on spouting how God has established the man as the head of the household and she needs to make sure that her authority figure and loyalties do not get confused as she feels the pressure of her job. It says that the couple should have set rules for her income. It says that as women are getting their emotional needs met outside the home, the children become undisciplined. It says many working wives gain their husband's approval to work by pressuring him.

Mike's job is not pressure-filled. This is not the 1950s and he can't pull the wool over my eyes that it is. We have guidelines for OUR income. If I am making all the dough (ha), then we have no issue with him staying home as the stay at home parent. And whoa, my "emotional needs" are met at work to exclusion of home? Am I that one dimensional? And of course I pressure him to do what I want. Why wouldn't I?

Seriously, fucking holy rolling SHEEP blow my mind.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow, where do you find these? That just got under my skin. POOP ON THAT!

June 29, 2005 2:30 PM  
Blogger Sugared Harpy said...

I just run into these kinds of things! There was so much more I wanted to rant about but had to limit for the kind reader. Yes, POOP ON THAT!

June 29, 2005 10:38 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

hey there aaron here annes friend from illinois

i sent a nasty email to the webmaster informing him that he is a sexist antiquated social zombie and that he neglects to realize that a man can also be the sole care provider in the home and that it does not have to be a woman.

what fucking idiots i just don't udnerstand these people. its like they fell off the christian evangelical trunip truck to spout their sexist, racist, heterosexist diatribe

enough for now i could go on and on and on

dog poop to them for christmas

June 30, 2005 9:45 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Aaron, you rock.

July 01, 2005 11:01 AM  

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