Wednesday, July 20, 2005

Physically Inept

No, this is not a post about my inability to walk up stairs without sucking wind.

I have recently discovered how physically inept I am for my job.

I am allergic to books. The longer they sit on a shelf in the library or the older they are, the worse my loud sneezing and sinus clogging joy.

I get sleepy, really sleepy, when I read. Especially when I read German.

I get distracted easily. All those college students who enter the library? I've noticed them and the unbelievably short skirts they are wearing. Someone using the copier? Why yes, and they made 13 copies.

The mold and dust in my office at the fabulous old historic home is probably enough to slowly kill me. It makes me wheeze and sneeze so much that I'm taking 2 Benadryl every 3 1/2 hours. Refer back to section about being sleepy. 1 Benadryl is my usual dose, 2 knocks me out cold.

I'm incredibly clumsy. Seriously. My Mom would call me "Grace" as I bumped another shoulder into a door jamb. Please, let me hold the priceless object!

Basically, I'm a sleeping, sneezing, drugged, ADD-ridden clutz.

I should so be doing art history.

Oh, and I get shaky and dry-mouthed when speaking in front of groups of people. I have 34 students signed up for my fall semester Art History I class.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am a physical mess. I run into things, fall down, trip, etc etc etc. My favorite is when you bite down on a fork. What the hell?!?

July 21, 2005 9:07 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Me too! I drink a butt load of coffee. I am going to start getting allergy shots soon...

July 21, 2005 12:27 PM  

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