Tuesday, August 02, 2005

Funny you should have called your last post, "Lost," isn't it Melissa? Yes, yes it is.

Today, I lost Daniel.

He got mad at his brother and took off out the front door. Babysitter flew after him and told Brett to call us. He did but neighbors found Brett hysterically crying in the front yard and called us too.

Mike and I left work in downtown St. Louis (read: far, far away from the home in the 'burb) and struggled desperately through traffic to get home. To all of those on the highway with us, we apologize.

Two hours, a huge family and neighborhood search team, and the police department later, he was found.

He walked down busy roads, and walked, and walked. Babysitter the whole time freaking out but staying with him.

Both were barefoot.

He is now with his police officer father. We gave him our talking to, but his father knows exactly what happens to children in this sick world and we hope it gives Daniel some perspective on how to handle anger better.

People, I've never realized the pain of giving your child's description to a police officer. For all of those who have been there, and especially for those who never found their children, I am so, so sorry.

Details to come when I can process everything.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

That is so scary!

August 03, 2005 5:37 PM  
Blogger SquirrleyMojo said...


August 03, 2005 8:41 PM  

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